serghei notes

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SERGHEI° is a multi-dimensional, multi-domain, and multi-physics model framework for environmental and landscape simulation, designed with an outlook towards Earth System Modelling. It aims to provide a modelling environment for hydrodynamics, ecohydrology, morphodynamics, and, most importantly, interactions and feedbacks among such processes at different levels of complexity and across spatiotemporal scales. At the core of SERGHEI's technical innovation is its high-performance implementation, built from scratch on the Kokkos portability layer. Consequently, SERGHEI achieves performance-portability from personal computers to top supercomputing systems, including GPU-based and heterogeneous systems.

SERGHEI is available on gitlab°.


SERGHEI is developed at following institutions:

  • Forschungszentrum Jülich
  • Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Technische Universität Braunschweig
  • Tongji University (同济大学)

SERGHEI-based projects

SERGHEI is being used in following research projects:

  • ADAPTEX: Dynamic adaptive grids (SCALEXA, BMBF, Germany)
  • Eulerian/Lagrangian modeling of debris transport for flash flood prediction (UNIZAR, Spain, and UPPA, France)
  • High Performance Computing Tools for Smart Agriculture and Forestry: soil loss (UNIZAR, Spain)
  • PREDICTHIA: Predictive computational tools and optimization through Artificial Intelligence for hydro-morphodynamic risks and Climate Change scenarios (Spanish Ministry of Science, Spain)


The shallow water equations-based overland flow module is published by Caviedes-Voullième et al. (2023)°.

building SERGHEI-GW on HLRN


SERGHEI-GW is the subsurface flow module of SERGHEI; HLRN is the supercomputing cluster of Norddeutscher Verbund für Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnen.

Getting the code

First, we download SERGHEI and its dependencies. SERGHEI relies on kokkos and ParallelNetCDF libraries.

git clone -b subsurface_solver
git clone

SERGHEI-GW additionally relies the kokkos-kernels library.

git clone

Setting up the environment

module load gcc/9.3.0
module load openmpi/gcc.9/4.1.4
module load cmake/3.25.3
module load autoconf/2.72

Building kokkos

We need to build kokkos first. Navigate into the kokkos folder and create a folder build, then navigate into it. From within the build folder, run

cmake --build .

which should build kokkos.

Building PnetCDF

We need to build PnetCDF. Navigate into the PnetCDF folder and create a a folder build, then navigate into it.

../configure --prefix=$HOME/sw-local/pnetcdf-1.13.0/build
make install

which should build PnetCDF into the build folder.

Building kokkos-kernels

Zhi Li, Tongji University, writes on 4th of April 2024 (personal communication):

You could follow these steps:

  1. Create 2 folders named (for example) kokkoskernels-build and kokkoskernels-install
  2. cd into kokkoskernels-build, then building kokkoskernels with cmake, make sure that -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=kokkoskernels-install
  3. Still inside kokkoskernels-build, type make install to install kokkoskernels.
  4. Finally, when building serghei, use -DKokkosKernels_ROOT=kokkoskernels-install

Navigate into the kokkos-kernels folder and create a folder build and install, then navigate into the build folder. From within the build folder, run

export Kokkos_DIR=$HOME/sw-local/kokkos/build
cmake --build .

which should build kokkos-kernels. Now, install it into the install folder through

make install


Zhi Li, Tongji University, writes on 3rd of April 2024 (personal communication):

Currently there are two versions of the CMake input files (which could make people confused):

  1. The old CMake file available in the subsurface_solver branch and in the Wiki.
  2. The new CMake file I wrote last week, which is available in the cmake branch.

The new CMake file is still under experiment. I believe Daniel is still working on it. For now I recommend to use the old CMake file, in which the pnetcdf path is set in src/CMakeLists.txt as:

target_include_directories(serghei PUBLIC/Users/zli/Codes/PnetCDF/include)
target_link_libraries(serghei PUBLIC/Users/zli/Codes/PnetCDF/lib/libpnetcdf.a)

Here, you can explicitly set the path to the include directory and to the libpnetcdf.a library.

Navigate into the serghei folder. Navigate into src and create a build folder here. Open the file CMakeLists.txt in the folder src. Set the PnetCDF paths as described in the mail by Zhi Li, but in our case:

target_include_directories(serghei PUBLIC /home/usrname/sw-local/pnetcdf-1.13.0/include)
target_link_libraries(serghei PUBLIC /home/usrname/sw-local/pnetcdf-1.13.0/lib/libpnetcdf.a)

At the beginning of src/CMakeLists.txt, add the following lines to suppress annoying warnings:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16 FATAL_ERROR)


cmake ../ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DEnable_GPU=OFF \

which should build SERGHEI-GW into a the folder src/bin.

running SERGHEI on HLRN

When running SERGHEI on HLRN, we use srun instead of mpirun. Simulation runs are submitted via a job script. My current script reads:

#SBATCH -p standard96
#SBATCH --ntasks=2
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=96
#SBATCH -t 00:10:00

module load gcc/9.3.0
module load openmpi/gcc.9/4.1.4

export OMP_PROC_BIND=spread
export OMP_PLACES=threads

srun ~/sw-local/serghei/src/bin/serghei ./input/ ./output/ 96

In order to submit the job, execute:


With the current script above, this should run SERGHEI with 2 MPI processes on two nodes with 96 cores on each node. The simulation will run for 10 minutes walltime.


Author: ilhan özgen xian

Created: 2024-04-15 Mon 00:33
